Belmondo is a very popular dancing place with students and young Olomoucians. It’s open three nights a week; Wednesday night is more subdued, and there is no cover charge for anybody. Friday and Saturday nights are busier, and the hefty bouncers might request a 50Kc admittance fee from guys, which ensures that girls make up the vast majority of Belmondo’s weekend clientele.
Unlike most other bars in Olomouc, you have to pay for your drinks as you receive them. The wait staff are generally pleasant and professional and it doesn’t matter too much if they don’t speak English or you don’t speak Czech because it’s too loud to hear anyway.
Belmondo is open Mondays and Wednesdays (student night) from 20-04.00 and Friday and Saturday nights from 21-05.00
Mlýnská 4,