Open from 7am weekdays and 8.30 on weekends, Sant Angelo has a good breakfast menu (with English translations) including scrambled eggs, ham and eggs or omelettes for 55-65Kč, or a full cooked fry-up of sausages, beans, bacon, eggs and toast for 85Kč. There are also pancakes, waffles, oatmeal and homemade muesli from 45-65Kč.

Look for the dark wooden storefront with stripey cushions inside the window on busy Denisová Ul, the street with the tramlines that connects the two halves of the Olomouc's old town. Immediately inside the entrance are the counter, menu boards and display cases, and behind that is the main seating area of the cafe with enough leather-lined booths and seats for about 25 people.

Cafe Sant' Angelo
Denisova 11,