It’s true that Crack should be spelt Craic, but if you pronounce ‘Craic’ in the Czech way, it doesn’t sound like the kind of place you would go willingly. The owner is a Scottish bloke and would have spelt it the Gaelic way if he’d wanted to.

The bar is open from 11am to 1am Monday to Thursday, till 2am on Friday. On Saturday and Sunday from 4pm to 2am and 1am respectively. The kitchen is only open on weekdays, from 11am- 2pm and 6pm to 11pm.
The Crack is also the home of Himalaya, a Nepalese restaurant run by Nepalese people, which means authentic food; No “Czechalese”! See ‘Himalaya’ for more info.
The Crack Irish Pub
Mlýnská 938/4
Tel: 585 208 428